Bob Smith exhbition: From Space Countries Have No Borders

Past exhibition

From Space Countries Have No Borders

14 October 2024 - 15 January 2025

4 & 6 rue de Braque

Bob Smith

Bob Smith was born in Springfield, Mass. in 1944 and died in Miami in 1990 after being diagnosed with AIDS. Although admired by an intimate circle of artists, poets, musicians, critics and dancers, Smith has remained a lesser-known figure of the well-documented New York scene of the 70s and 80s. Unlike some of his contemporaries, travel was essential to his life and practice. He traveled to Europe in the early 70s, deciding to settle and work in Madrid after a one year stay in Morocco, where he learned the craft of wood and silver inlay. He exhibited in Spain, France, Germany, Italy and France before returning to the United States and settling in New York City.

Smith’s approach to travel differs from any colonial or voyeuristic depiction of the places he has inhabited and experienced. Instead, a deep connection with the landscapes and the people he has encountered has infused his works and subjects, from archeology to American imperialism, to people’s fantasies and dreams. From Space Countries Have no Borders features a group of paintings, drawings and « walled constructions » that explore these mirroring sides of Smith’s sensibility, from down to earth political issues to the imaginative, oneiric realm of individuals.

Exhibition organized in cooperation with The Estate of Bob Smith and Martos Gallery.