Past Projects

Benni Bosetto
“Le orecchie nelle sedie e la bocca nei cassetti”
15 October 2022 - 28 January 2023
Villa di Geggiano, Siena

Rochelle Feinstein

Liz Deschenes, Alex Hubbard, Klara Liden, R.H. Quaytman, Eileen Quinlan, Blake Rayne, Reena Spaulings, Cheyney Thompson and Oscar Tuazon
De America
06 May - 15 July 2011
Indipendenza Studio, Rome

Tyra Tingleff
Campoli Presti / Passages
09 June - 30 July 2022
4 rue de Braque

Cheyney Thompson
Solo exhibition
04 July - 29 September 2018
Villa di Geggiano, Siena

Nick Mauss
Answering a glance, glance up
31 October 2012 - 12 January 2013
Indipendenza Studio, Rome

Fredrik Vaerslev
Sunny Side Up
31 May - 08 September 2012
Indipendenza Studio, Rome

Christian Bonnefoi
Corps Migratoires / Migrant Bodies

Eileen Quinlan
Two-person show
03 July - 15 October 2016
Villa di Geggiano, Siena

Fernanda Laguna
My Things

Reena Spaulings
More Michael Paintings
27 October 2011 - 14 January 2012
Indipendenza Studio, Rome (Project space curated by Campoli Presti)

Sarah Charlesworth

Nick Mauss
A Quarreling Pair

John Miller
The Middle of the Day

Penny Goring
Jean Genet Reblogged This

Nora Schultz
Whale Watch

Solo exhibition
02 - 19 May 2016
Campoli Presti at Westreich Wagner, New York

Heike-Karin Föll

Liz Deschenes, Wade Guyton, Eileen Quinlan, Blake Rayne, Reena Spaulings and Cheyney Thompson
Systems Analysis
15 October - 11 December 2010
West London Projects

Liz Deschenes and Scott Lyall
Sutton Lane visits Klosterfelde
15 July - 03 September 2011
Klosterfelde, Berlin

Daniel Lefcourt & Megan McLarney

Solo exhibition
14 April - 19 May 2012
Indipendenza Studio, Rome

Liz Deschenes and Sara VanDerBeek
Two person show
29 June - 31 August 2019
Villa di Geggiano, Siena